Привет на всички които ще гледат фенфеста от 25 до 27 Април. Без много приказки ето TV програмата, като трябва да прибавите +3 часа за да се получи в наше време.
GMT Wednesday 24th
21:00 The EVE Symphony 2013
GMT Thursday 25th
11:00 Welcome to Fanfest 2013 with EVE TV
12:00 Retribution Roundup
13:00 Ship Balancing
14:00 EVE is Real - Bringing FTL to IRL
15:00 Game Design: Balancing Tears & Laughter
16:00 Lowsec PvP/Crimewatch
17:00 (e)Merging Economies
18:00 DUST 514 KEYNOTE
19:00 DUST 514 KEYNOTE
20:00 DUST 514 Reflecting the Universe
21:00 End of Fanfest Day 1
GMT Friday 26th
11:00 EVE Economy: A Decade in Review
12:00 DUST 514 Planetary Conquest in Low Sec
13:00 DUST 514 Advancing the Core
14:00 EVE is Real - Asteroid Mining
15:00 EVE Security
16:00 Game Design - Live Session
17:00 EVE Keynote
18:00 EVE Keynote
19:00 Dev. & Ops are in a Relationship
20:00 Remixing EVE: You did WHAT?
21:00 End of Fanfest Day 2
GMT/PST Saturday 27th
11:00 Art Panel
12:00 PvP Tournament Finals
13:00 PvP Tournament Finals
14:00 EVE is Real - Space Elevators
15:00 Games as Art - EVE & other Games at the MoMA
16:00 Concept Art - Live Session
19:00 Prototyping the Future of EVE
20:00 EVE TV Reviews Fanfest 2013
21:00 Party at the Top of the World
00:00 End of Fanfest Day 3
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